• Tunnels and escape routes. Running away from time

    Shaking fists pawned. Teeth breaking in an unfixed calm. An upheaval, entranced in the coma. Soma dreaming. There was the sound of the muffled eyes. As the sky opened and arms reached to lift, stretching. weeping willow mirror gaze. Sipping a tea of seeds. everything is nothing. Touching the universe with a velvet kiss. Nothing is everything. My soul was in my mind. The ghost and the shadow. fixtures like stationary eyes seeing anything there was too see, not needing to open.

    The pacing, the motion. feeding the tunnel eyes. she spoke, gifting. future like breathing. The seed she said, was filled with eternity.Image my cautionary touch. I spoke with my mind. Pushing across heaven’s sound-scape. Cigarette smoke dresses the room. Filling the vortex with a neon pulp. I don’t see. I feel.